Behind the velvet rope with our man in Cannes
WhenHollywoodicons like Sean Penn, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie descend on Cannes for the film festival, producer Mohammed AlTurki will be right there alongside them.
We've securedan invitation to this exclusive event thanks to our man in Cannes, pictured below with Sean.
As someone in the know,festival veteran Mohammed describes the event as: "a melting pot of what to do and who to see."
His exclusive diary entry for HELLO! Online reveals the people and parties to watch this year:
The hottest ticket in town
"I'm personally looking forward to Haiti Carnival and supporting my friend and fellow philanthropist, Petra Nemcova.
On May 18her charity 'The Happy Hearts Foundation' will be joining forces with Sean Penn's 'Haiti Relief Organisation' and Paul Haggis' 'Artists for Peace' at a gala event.
Talent agency CAA is hosting its very first party in Cannes, so that's not to be missed.
Also, Brad Pitt is throwing a private villasoiree sponsored by Johnnie Walker and this is strictly invitation only!"
Stars on show
"It's Robert Pattinson and Kristin Stewart's first time at Cannes, and they both have films competing against each other, so the outcome should be interesting.
Of course, It's not a festival unless Brad Pitt steals some of the show, so his film Killing Them Softly is one to look out for."
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"The younger generations of actors are going to generate heat - Zac Efron in Paperboy, Robert Pattinson's Cosmopolis and Shia LaBeouf in Lawless.
Killing Them Softly starring Brad Pitt is also hotly tipped."
Dress code
"There's an 'old school' glamour to Cannes which I really appreciate. The ladies always look immaculately grand.
The daytime 'yacht look' works for me too, a comfortable pair of linen pants, loosely fitted shirts and summer dresses for the ladies always works well."
My iconic moment"Would be when we had Madonna and Sharon Stone as auctioneers at AmFar Foundation for AIDS Research that was a definite classic. I always look forward to hosting with my colleagues at AmFar."
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