Brad Pitt Explains Why He's Carrying A Cane: I Slipped Carrying My Daughter

Brad Pitt has been sporting a new accessory in recent days - a cane - due to an injury to his ACL (a ligament in the knee).

Seeing the sexy star with a walking stick has baffled fans, but the mystery has now been solved.

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The "Moneyball" star revealed he suffered the injury in order to protect his daughter during an accidental fall.

"I was carrying my daughter [Vivienne] down the hill and I slipped," Brad, 48, explained to reporters at the 23rd International Palm Springs Film Festival in Palm Springs, Calif., on Saturday. "It was either her or me."

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Brad's longtime love, Angelina Jolie, said she doesn't mind Brad's new adornment.

"I like the cane," she told reporters, adding that the injury hasn't slowed Brad down. "He's not that kind of guy. He does everything still."

Thanks to dad Brad's valiant actions, Angelina said their 3-year-old daughter did not sustain any injuries.

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"Vivie's okay," Angelina said. "She was absolutely fine."

Angie also revealed that she too has sustained an injury for the sake of her offspring.

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"I think all parents get injured in the line of fire. When Maddox was young, I fell and hurt my elbow," she said. "It's a pretty common occurrence."

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