Brad Pitts Make It Right development at halfway point
Posted: Friday, March 09, 2012, 4:20 PM
Of all the plans to restore the fabric of New Orleans after the nightmare of Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent flood, Make It Right may have been the dreamiest. Little was left intact after a towering wall of water washed across the modest neighborhood along the Industrial Canal, near the foot of the Seeber Bridge on August 29, 2005. Houses left their moorings and collided as they floated. Some residents, who had stayed behind to brave the storm, lost their lives. What remained of the low-lying enclave was mostly ruined and eventually bulldozed. The families that had called it home, sometimes for generations, were scattered. Actor Brad Pitt, who visited the area in the aftermath of the destruction, was compelled to help correct the situation. He dedicated himself to rebuilding 150 homes and providing them at a reasonable cost to former neighborhood residents. A modern architecture enthusiast, Pitt called on some of Louisianas and the worlds leading designers to draw up replacement homes that would be stylish, energy efficient, ecologically sound and safer that the previous structures. Make It Right recently passed the halfway point, with 76 completed houses. Minimalist music derived from the ice cream truck.
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