Forget Gal Pals, Angelina Jolie Says She Only Talks to Brad Pitt!

Angelina Jolie, Marie ClaireMarie Claire

Love her or hate her (and we know there's plenty in both camps), Angelina Jolie ain't your average movie star.

But she is a movie star. And one of the last ones we got, really. And the gal is way busy making movies, saving the world, raising her 20 kids and, oh yeah, not having any friends! Or so says she.

So why can't the Oscar winner nab any girl-on-girl time (which, BTW, we mean platonicallyget your mind out of the gutter!)?

RELATED: Angelina Jolie: "I Can't Wait for the Holidays!"

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Because she doesn't want any!

In the January issue of Marie Claire (via the NY Post), Angie admits, "It was nice for me to play with other girls; I don't really have girlfriends in movies, if you've noticed."

We noticed.And in real life too. Just sayin'...

On that regard, the self proclaimed homebody says, "I stay at home a lot, I'm just not very socialI don't have a lot of friends I talk to."

We get that you're a tough chick, A, but come on, everyone needs a BFF! So who does she confide in?

"I talk to my family, I talk to Brad." Ange dishes. "He really is the only person I talk to."

That's not exactly what we'd call a shockerwhen's the last time you saw Angie having a girls' night? And as much as we'd die to see her go grab a margarita and some gab time with, say, Jennifer Aniston, we don't see it happening.

(And not for the reasons you'd think.)

Whatever, really there's no way Angie's lonely. She does have six kids after all, with maybe more on the way someday! And why not? Ya know what they say: There's no better place to make friends than a...Lamaze class?

PHOTOS: Brad & Angelina Family Album
