Brad Pitt's Brother Talks Mom's Anti-Obama Plea and 'Venom'

By Michelle Lee , Staff | Monday, July 09, 2012

Brad Pitt mom Obama
We already know thatBrad Pittlikes a strong woman (she may be skinny but Angelina could snap his limbs off and eat them for breakfast).
And that's apparently just how his family rolls. After his mother's diatribe against gay marriage and President Obama, we have a better idea of the inner workings of the Pitt household.

Now, his younger brother, Doug Pitt, is speaking out about Jane Pitt's very public declaration.

"You know, I think moms and dads and kids agree to disagree all over the world. So why would our family be any different?" he told the Today show this morning. "There can be healthy discussion when people disagree with you."

On Friday, Jane's letter toThe Springfield News-Leader, captured national attention, describing Obama as a "liberal who supports the killing of unborn babies and same-sex marriage."

The younger Pitt explains that their family may not see eye to eye on all issues but they know not to cross the fine line between debate and ugliness. "The bad thing is when it turns to venom and negativity, and we don't have that in our family," he continued. "It's open discussion. We can learn from each other and, if anything, it solidifies your point. Or maybe you learn something."

And Brad and Angie have definitely learned something: do ! not invite mom over when Clooney's around.

