Chanel Paid Brad Pitt a Reported $7 Million for His Services

The new (and first guy) face of Chanel No. 5, Pitt's print ads for the (women's) fragrance are tucked inside November fashion, beauty, and lifestyle titles, WWD writes. And on October 15, the brand plans to show Pitt in action:

While he wouldn't spill many details, [Andrea d'Avack, president, Chanel Fragrance & Beauty] noted that the commercial, shot by Joe Wright, features Pitt speaking in a way that the viewer assumes he's speaking to a woman and then it's revealed that the addressee is actually the scent.

Clever, but we know Pitt's truly talking directly to us, and only to us, at all times. "Industry sources" said Chanel shelled out at least $17 million dollars for the campaign "$7 million for Pitt's services" and another $10 million on American advertising. That's like 269 purses for each of his girl childrenand 0.5 for that pseudo-wife of his.
